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Big Brother is in the Cloud: Examining the Tension Between Safety and Privacy Rights in America

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This course features a panel of experts who will discuss how modern technology has heightened the legal tensions between citizens’ right to privacy and the need for effective government surveillance of criminal activity. Participants will learn how “reasonable expectations” and “the third party doctrine” have been affected by modern technology, and discuss information gathering limitations and the current debate regarding integrated telecommunications companies, ISPs, cloud computing, public video cameras, drones and facial recognition software. The course will also review the ongoing debate over bulk government surveillance of citizen mobile phones and email. In this course, participants will:

  • Discover how the rules controlling government searches have been applied to a wide range of situations and new surveillance technologies.
  • Learn the arguments from both sides on a variety of privacy issues that are being challenged by government surveillance.



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PRICE: $129.00




Current Surveillance Allowed by Law   
Lawyers will discuss the current law and ongoing legal debates regarding the governments’ right to surveillance, including the reasonable expectation of privacy; the third party doctrine; the Patriot Act and USA Freedom Act; FISA; and TSA, and the DHS systems. 


Privacy Rights in the Face of Evolving Technology    
Lawyers will consider how new technologies (cloud computing, the forced back door, public video surveillance, license plate detection, drones, mobile phone data, and facial recognition) have changed government surveillance tactics and citizens’ expectation of privacy.


Jeffrey Stec

Jeffrey Stec, J.D. has been a licensed lawyer since 1992, having practiced in the area of complex-family matters, including estate, divorce, and child custody disputes. Jeff developed his collaborative skills by becoming a certified mediator and strategic planning facilitator, specializing in family issues. Jeff has developed an expertise in the collaborative resolution of disputes, and in addition to his work with The Likeable Lawyer, he is currently a sought-after consultant who works with non-profits and municipalities to fashion solutions to complex organizational and community issues. Jeffrey graduated with honors from the University of Michigan Law School, and earned a Bachelor of Arts in English with high honors from the University of Michigan.

Neil Richards

Neil Richards is an internationally-recognized expert in privacy law, information law, and freedom of expression. He is a professor of law at Washington University School of Law, an affiliate scholar with the Stanford Center for Internet and Society and the Yale Information Society Project, a Fellow at the Center for Democracy and Technology, and a consultant and expert in privacy cases. He serves on the boards of the Future of Privacy Forum, the Right to Read Foundation, and is a member of the American Law Institute. Professor Richards graduated in 1997 with degrees in law and history from the University of Virginia, and served as a law clerk to William H. Rehnquist, Chief Justice of the United States. Professor Richards is the author of Intellectual Privacy (Oxford Press 2015). His many scholarly and popular writings on privacy and civil liberties have appeared in a variety of media, from the Harvard Law Review and the Columbia Law Review to The Guardian, WIRED and Slate.

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Our courses are approved in almost all states that have CLE requirements. Accreditation for a particular course will vary by state. Please use our CLE calculator for CLE credit available in your state. For more information, visit our FAQ.

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"This CLE has a surprisingly immediate and deep impact on the lawyers who take it. I expect that this will really alter my practice, and that is a first for CLEs."
Lauren Harrison,
Vinson & Elkins

"Packed with new information most attorneys have never heard regarding negotiating skills."
Timothy Garflield,
Schwartz, Heidel Sullivan

"Exceeded my expectations with practical tools on the little things that can dramatically improve communication with clients, counsel and colleagues."
Joseph Green,
Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz

"I came to this class because I needed ethics credit and got a lot more! This class was quite a surprise and far exceeded my expectations."
John Stewart,
Attorney, Intellectual Ventures

"The instruction was outstanding, giving insight into the components and importance of effective communication and influence."
Mike Chibaya,
McGuire Woods