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"The entire Basis of Influence series has exceeded my expectations and it is life-altering. Very worthwhile!"
Susan Valentine,
Robinson, Curley and Clayton

"This program discusses ethos, pathos and logos not only in building professional relationships generally, but also makes it relevant to each participant's individual situation. The webinar is interactive and entertaining which is sometimes rare for a program with a basis in ethics. Highly recommended."
Amanda Owens,
White & Allen

"This class will be very useful, giving great practical analysis of ways to communicate and persuade, and help move my positions along in all parts of my life, professionally and personally."
Michael Jaskolsky,
Quarles & Brady

"This course is an eye and ear opener. Common pitfalls with clients will be easier to spot and more easily remedied after taking this seminar."
Alexis Johnson,

"Extremely practical how-to course filled with useful negotiation tools. Provides insight into diagnosing the needs of your negotiation opponent that will allow you to increase the chances of obtaining successful outcomes."
Shawn Doorhy,
Faegre Baker Daniels LLP