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"Likeable Lawyer programs help lawyers lead more fulfilled careers and would benefit every lawyer. The Aristotelian principles covered will help me become a more valuable and influential lawyer. "
John Hammond,
Ice Miller, LLP

"Interesting topic for a CLE and passionate presenters. I will benefit from this in all facets of my life, personal as well as professional. "
Jerry Stehlik,
Bucknell Stehlik Sato & Stubner, LLP

"One of the best—and certainly the most practical—seminars I have taken on negotiation."
Paige Williams,
FedEx Corp. Legal Dept.

"A fun and engaging discussion that was very relevant and way better than most CLEs."
Mark Asbill,
Wells Fargo Legel Department

"The class exceeded my expectations in providing clear tools for any litigator to be more persuasive and effective in negotiating and arguing on behalf of clients."
Randy Canche,
Munsch, Hardt, Kopf & Harr