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The Trusted Lawyer

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Tools to Inspire Trust and Credibility and Increase Influence Across the Board

Illustrated with colorful examples and anecdotes, this program examines the effects of a lawyer's credibility and trust on their ability to win arguments and influence people. Discover the consequences of unintentional communication, and become better equipped to meet your clients' objectives. Learn effective approaches to:

  • Inspire trust and credibility with clients and decision-makers.
  • Ethically increase influence with colleagues and opposing counsel.
  • Develop long-term professional relationships.
  • Attract and retain key clients.
  • Increase success in every aspect of your practice.


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PRICE: $199.00

9:30 - 10:30   The Consequences of Unintentional Communication
No time to return phone calls or give full attention to the person you are with? Understand what that says to clients and how to minimize the consequences of unintentional communication.
10:30 - 11:30   The Basis of Influence
Lawyers attempt to exert influence in just about every aspect of their practice. Learn how to win over decision-makers and potential clients, and increase success with other lawyers and staff.
11:30 - 12:00   Improving Client Satisfaction and Maintaining Trust
Blame, justification and excuses diminish trust. Understand what clients most want and how to give it to them even when you have to deliver bad news.
12:00 - 12:15   Break
12:15 - 1:15   Communicating with Clients and Getting Your Work Done
A lawyer’s life can be stressful with a lot of time pressure.  Learn strategies to meet clients and others’ needs, minimize stress and get your tasks completed. 
1:15   Adjourn

Brian Hammer

Brian Hammer, M.A., J.D., is the founder and a facilitator for The Likeable Lawyer. Brian practiced law for over ten years before starting The Likeable Lawyer in 2003, and has designed and delivered thousands of highly-praised programs to law firms, corporations and organizations nationwide. He is a frequent speaker at bar conventions, law firm events and other professional association meetings. Brian is a graduate of the University of Texas School of Law, the University of North Carolina School of Business, and holds a Masters of Psychology degree from the University of Santa Monica.

Links to the downloadable or streaming materials you've purchased will be available with your receipt and in your profile.

Credit Reporting

Our courses are approved in almost all states that have CLE requirements. Accreditation for a particular course will vary by state. Please use our CLE calculator for CLE credit available in your state. For more information, visit our FAQ.

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"This course hit the spot!"
Brenda Dominguez,
Arizona Supreme Court

"This was one of the best CLEs I have ever attended in 20+ years of practice. The substantive content was meaningful and can be applied immediately to both legal and personal interactions. A refreshing change from the "norm" of presenters reading their PowerPoint slides."
Lois Eisenstein,
Attorney, University of Arizona

"I was truly impressed and surprised. This was by far one of the most beneficial, practical, engaging and enjoyable CLE seminars I have experienced. I will definitely be a repeat student."
Rochelle McCrackin,

"The class had a lot of practical application and was valuable in that it gave practical pointers about how to best serve our clients. Implementation of this advice would better the reputation of lawyers as a profession. "
Tasha Pepper Dickinson,
Jones, Foster, Johnston & Stubbs

"It is hard to come up with something fresh in a negotiation course. This one offers several gems."
J. Stanton Curry,
Gallagher & Kennedy