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On Demand Video

Client Development Fundamentals: How to Comfortably Develop Clients from Friends and Community

Oftentimes the business potential in our personal relationships remains untapped because we do not know how to comfortably broach the topic of client development. In this program, you will discover communication techniques that allow you to explore professional opportunities naturally without jeopardizing your reputation or damaging your relationships.

  • Learn how to asses the referral potential of your friends and clients without directly asking them for business.
  • Discover 5 techniques that subtly introduce business development into an informal conversation without creating awkwardness.
  • Improve your use of social media as a means of staying in front of important relationships.

This program is a business education program with practical advice for client development that can be immediately implemented to grow your practice. This class has NOT been pre-approved for CLE credit.

PRICE: $129.00

no agenda specified

David Ackert

David has produced business development programs for thousands of lawyers and several top AmLaw 100 firms. His programs have consistently received high acclaim for their unique and valuable content, and have garnered press from publications across the United States. He teaches strategic planning and marketing courses through UCLA Extension and is a guest lecturer at USC Marshall School of Business.

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Credit Reporting

Our courses are approved in almost all states that have CLE requirements. Accreditation for a particular course will vary by state. Please use our CLE calculator for CLE credit available in your state. For more information, visit our FAQ.

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"Excellent. Makes you reevaluate your interactions with other lawyers. staff and clients towards becoming more successful as a lawyer and person."
Brad Goodwin,

"Fantastic class. Definite eye opener."
Adam Tamas,
Attorney, DST Systems

"Brian provides excellent psychological examples for why his techniques work in practice. With plenty of years experience negotiating complex transactions and dealing with all kinds of clients, I still learned a good deal about why certain techniques work better than others."
John Lamberski,
Mercer Thompson LLC

"The class was a very good reminder of what makes people tick, how to more easily persuade them, and how to be a "likeable lawyer" for those of us for whom that is important."
Ned Menoyo,
Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan

"Classes like this -- on human interactions -- are as valuable as any substantive CLE we might take. Interacting with people is fundamental to what we do. The legal profession needs more of this type of teaching. The program is very well curated, and Brian does an excellent job."
Michael Hamilton,