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On Demand Video

Negotiation in Three Parts: A Model for Expansive Solutions and Gaining Cooperation

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Learn a three-part expansive negotiation model that helps to reduce stress, increase clarity and smoothly achieve clients objectives. In this program, lawyers develop brainstorming skills needed to build influence and long-term relationships.

  • Improve negotiation results with advanced interest-based planning.
  • Influence your client’s take by making appealing negotiation proposals.
  • Maintain your clarity during difficult negotiations.


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PRICE: $99.00




The Three Phases of Negotiation
Learn a highly effective, three-phase expansive negotiation model that deflates defensive reactions and facilitates mutual cooperation. This model helps lawyers discover creative solutions that would not otherwise have been possible resulting in greater client satisfaction.


Principled Negotiation and Creative Proposals 
In this section, lawyer practice principled negotiation in hypothetical situations, and learn how to use the three-part model to achieve expansive resolutions in a variety of situations.


Jeffrey Stec

Jeffrey Stec, J.D. has been a licensed lawyer since 1992, having practiced in the area of complex-family matters, including estate, divorce, and child custody disputes. Jeff developed his collaborative skills by becoming a certified mediator and strategic planning facilitator, specializing in family issues. Jeff has developed an expertise in the collaborative resolution of disputes, and in addition to his work with The Likeable Lawyer, he is currently a sought-after consultant who works with non-profits and municipalities to fashion solutions to complex organizational and community issues. Jeffrey graduated with honors from the University of Michigan Law School, and earned a Bachelor of Arts in English with high honors from the University of Michigan.

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Credit Reporting

Our courses are approved in almost all states that have CLE requirements. Accreditation for a particular course will vary by state. Please use our CLE calculator for CLE credit available in your state. For more information, visit our FAQ.

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"The Trusted Lawyer is helpful to any lawyer who wants to build trust with clients, colleagues and opposing counsel."
Bryan Tyson,
Marcellino & Tyson, PLLC

"Worth the time and effort; the content exceeded my expectations and provides new ways of thinking."
Karen Corallo,
Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld

"Excellent instructor and valuable material on working more effectively with clients and lawyers. Filled with thoughtful suggestions that will enhance my legal skill."
Patricia J. O'Donnell,
Baker Hostetler

"The class had a lot of practical application and was valuable in that it gave practical pointers about how to best serve our clients. Implementation of this advice would better the reputation of lawyers as a profession. "
Tasha Pepper Dickinson,
Jones, Foster, Johnston & Stubbs

"Very interesting content that made me think about the PROCESS of negotiation in aways I hadn't before. Essential for all attorneys."
Leah W. Sprague,