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Basis of Influence - Entire Series

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As lawyers we try to influence people in every aspect of our professional life, whether we are negotiating a case, developing clients, or just trying to get a staff member to improve work performance. This five-part series investigates the foundations of influence and the factors that result in increased success and cooperation .

These short courses build on sections from our highly regarded courses "The Trusted Lawyer" and "The Persuasive Lawyer." (The Basis of Influence Series covers additional new material, but there is some overlap and review.) Each short course stands alone, so you can can one or take them all!

Part 1: Leadership, Trust, and The 9 Techniques of Automatic Influence
(120 minutes)

Techniques of "automatic influence" are built into the fabric of what makes us human, and give the ability to persuade without the appearance of influence. Lawyers use and are influenced by them, sometimes without even realizing it. This course explores the factors that affect every attorney’s ability to lead and persuade, including the role of “perceived” trust, and what scholars have identified as the 9 Techniques of Automatic Influence.

  • Discuss the relational foundation for leadership and persuasion.
  • Learn how to build trust for effective influence.
  • Discover 9 powerful techniques that lead to unconscious influence.
Part 2: Passion, Reciprocation and Getting What You Want
(120 minutes)

At the heart of every lawyer’s success is the ability to elicit support from others. More than 2,000 years ago Aristotle discussed this as being dependent on the ability to evoke the right attitude or emotion in the other person. This section explores how to inspire others to want to support your objectives.

  • Inspire the right emotions consistent with persuasion.
  • Invoke the desire in others to support your objectives.
Part 3: Active Listening and the 4 Phases of Having a Learning Conversation
(90 minutes)

Master the art of listening, and you will encourage clients and other lawyers toward full disclosure of accurate information. This program helps you discover how a learning conversation can reveal important new facts, and increase your successes as a lawyer.

  • Improve client service by learning to identify true needs and objectives.
  • Learn the four phases for clear and persuasive communication.
Part 4: Avoiding the Consequences of Unintentional Communication
(150 minutes)

If you've ever found yourself on the (losing) end of explaining what you really meant, you know how damaging negative misinterpretations can be. Attorneys will learn simple ways to improve communication, build rapport, and match intentions to delivery.

  • Discover why people misinterpret communication and motives, and how this can easily compromise lawyer effectiveness.
  • Learn simple ways to avoid harmful miscommunication.
Part 5: Reducing the Effects of Stress and Anxiety on Negotiation and Well-Being
(120 minutes)

In this program, lawyers look at how breakdowns in communication, effectiveness, and health can be caused by intense work demands and stress. Lawyers learn the neurophysiology of stress, together with simple techniques to reduce anxiety and regain clarity.

  • Learn how to keep anxiety from derailing communication and negotiation.
  • Explore simple ways to increase clarity and enjoy practicing law.


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PRICE: $369.00


Part 1: Leadership, Trust, and The 9 Techniques of Automatic Influence
(120 minutes)


  1. Qualities that Earn and Diminish Trust
    (60 Minutes)
    At the heart of Aristotle’s model of persuasion is relationship and trust.  Lawyer explore a popular leadership model, and discover effective tools to build trust and influence with clients, opposing lawyers, fact finders, and co-workers.

  2. The 9 Techniques of Automatic Influence
    (60 Minutes)
    The success of the “good cop, bad cop” negotiation or interrogation strategy relies upon the contrast principle, one of the 9 techniques of unconscious influence explored in this section.  Understanding these powerful principles gives lawyers both a sword and a shield towards improving results in negotiation and persuasion.  


Part 2: Passion, Reciprocation, and Getting What You Want
(120 minutes)


  1. A Needs-Based Approach
    (60 Minutes)
    The most persuasive lawyers have the investigative tools to discover the needs of the people they seek to persuade.  They recognize that getting one’s needs met is dependent on helping others get their needs met as well.  Whether clients, opposing counsel or even one’s spouse, this section lays the groundwork for becoming highly persuasive and effective in getting more of everyone’s needs met. 

  2. Increasing Influence in Conflict and Other Challenging Situations
    (60 Minutes)
    Lawyers tend to either shut down or become aggressive compromise in conflict.  This tends to compromise their own objectives.  Learn how to remain influential and achieve your objectives even when negative emotions arise.


Part 3: Active Listening and the 4 Phases of Having a Learning Conversation
(90 minutes)


  1. The Four Phases of Having a Learning Conversation
    (90 Minutes)
    When lawyers talk more than they listen, they sometimes fail to learn critical information about those they seek to influence.  Learn the components of active listening and having a learning conversation in order to build rapport and increase success in negotiation, persuasion and conflict resolution. 


Part 4: Avoiding the Consequences of Unintentional Communication
(150 minutes)


  1. Understanding the Consequences of Unintentional Communication 
    (90 Minutes)
    Wonder what it “says” to another when they are cut off mid-sentence or when their phone call isn’t returned for three days?  Learn the dynamics of unintentional communication and how these unintended “messages” greatly diminish negotiation and persuasion effectiveness. 

  2. A Simple Model for Increasing Influence with Everyone
    (60 Minutes)
    With an understanding that people have the tendency to make up erroneous stories about our intentions, learn how to communicate “care,” the cornerstone to positive communication and successful working relationships.


Part 5: Reducing the Effects of Stress and Anxiety on Negotiation and Well-Being

(120 minutes)


  1. The Effects of Anxiety on Interactions With Other Lawyers, Clients, and Staff 
    (60 Minutes)
    Through discussion of the neuroscience of anxiety, lawyers come to see which parts of the brain cause us to attack and get defensive when opposing counsel cuts us off mid-sentence or becomes controlling.  More importantly, lawyers come to see that anxiety is a completely self-induced emotion and how this emotion causes us to act in ways that generally frustrate our objectives.    

  2. Reducing Anxiety
    (60 Minutes)
    Lawyers who are able to manage their anxiety are generally more influential and enjoy better health.  Learn easy tools to begin the process of dismantling the tendency toward anxiety and developing instead a habit of coherence, exceptional influence, and well-being.

Brian Hammer

Brian Hammer, M.A., J.D., is the founder and a facilitator for The Likeable Lawyer. Brian practiced law for over ten years before starting The Likeable Lawyer in 2003, and has designed and delivered thousands of highly-praised programs to law firms, corporations and organizations nationwide. He is a frequent speaker at bar conventions, law firm events and other professional association meetings. Brian is a graduate of the University of Texas School of Law, the University of North Carolina School of Business, and holds a Masters of Psychology degree from the University of Santa Monica.

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Our courses are approved in almost all states that have CLE requirements. Accreditation for a particular course will vary by state. Please use our CLE calculator for CLE credit available in your state. For more information, visit our FAQ.

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"The class was very enjoyable. It contains real life insight into how to effectively deal with everyone I deal with in the practice of law."
Deborah Truitt,
Truitt and Lyons

"If I were king of the world, courses like this would be mandatory. This course will help to make me not just a better lawyer, but a more effective communicator with family, friends and others."
Eric Rathburn,

"Interesting topic for a CLE and passionate presenters. I will benefit from this in all facets of my life, personal as well as professional. "
Jerry Stehlik,
Bucknell Stehlik Sato & Stubner, LLP

"Excellent course. Surprisingly relevant to all aspects of my practice and my life."
Tracy Forsythe,

"This program discusses ethos, pathos and logos not only in building professional relationships generally, but also makes it relevant to each participant's individual situation. The webinar is interactive and entertaining which is sometimes rare for a program with a basis in ethics. Highly recommended."
Amanda Owens,
White & Allen